ROME, 25 September - 3 October 2015

Laboratorio Baccanti

Laboratorio Baccanti
At the core of "Ajax" there is a question: How do the man see and understand the world. It is a difficult question – a question that involves multiple answers.
Meanwhile: Who is Ajax? A great hero respected and loved by everyone, which succumbs to the Ubris, irreparably offends the gods, exceeds the limit granted to a man, and becomes tainted with an indelible guilt in a state of a furious divine possession. Ajax is the tragedy of pride and shame: The great hero is destroyed, humiliated and annihilated by the gods. Ajax is just an experiment, the identity is a grotesque invention of the gods.
Ajax will die for lack of interlocutors. And for shame.
The new world of Odysseus, Agamemnon and Menelaus is coming forward. It is a world, made of strategy, compromise and political deception. Ajax is not able to deal with this new reality. He is the exponent of a system of values now nearly over, of a civilization in danger of extinction: The world of honor, loyalty, physical strength, skill in battle, of value and dignity – values that Ajax has always affirmed to possess.
TEXTS: Scenes from "Ajax" by Sophocles and "The Bacchae" by Euripides
The workshop will take place in Rome from September 25th, 2015 to October 3rd, 2015, and it is only addressed to professional actors.
A maximum of 20 participants and 5 auditors will be admitted.
Also two assistant directors will be admitted.
Selection will be on resume.
The cost of the workshop is € 300 (including VAT).
For auditors and for assistants the cost of the workshop is € 150 (including VAT).
Applications should be sent by e-mail at the latest by September 20, 2015.
For more information and to register: Melania Giglio Tel. +39 3883292528 melania.giglio@gmail.com
The workshop focuses on the use of the vocal technique, the study of movement, interpretation, through practical exercises.
These exercises will study:
The deep analysis of the text;
The definition of the relationships between the characters;
The use of rhythm in the Italian language;
The re-accentuation of the syllables for expressive use in the spoken voice;
The use of vocality;
The affective memory and emotional memory;
The tragic words;
Physical and vocal training.
Acting and training: Daniele Salvo
Vocal coach: Melania Giglio